The Simpsons Preview

The Simpsons Preview

The Simpson’s is a worldwide phenomenon - from its animated shorts on the Tracy Ullman show to a full length feature movie - the cartoon has become a huge success.
Army of Two Website Goes Live

Army of Two Website Goes Live

EA have gone 'weapons free' with a brand-new ultra high-tech website for their upcoming action title - Army of Two for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Platforms.
Gears of.......Golf???

Gears of…….Golf???

Epic Boss Mark Rein has today revealed a new Gears of War spin-off that see’s the mighty Marcus Fenix lay down his Lancer and pick up his PING 3 Wood.
Limited Edition Simpsons Themed Xbox 360

Limited Edition Simpsons Themed Xbox 360

It’s but a few short months until the all new Simpsons Movie, and Microsoft have been kind enough to give gamers the chance to own a limited edition Simpsons themed Xbox 360.
FlatOut Demo Coming Soon

FlatOut Demo Coming Soon

Those of you who've managed to tear yourself away from a certain other racing demo might be interested to hear that Bugbear will be releasing a demo of FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage by the end of June.
Bomberman coming to the Live Arcade?

Bomberman coming to the Live Arcade?

We're used to the ESRB website revealing previously unnanounced titles, bit it seems the Office of Film and Literature Classification (the Australian board for rating games and movies) is also getting in on the act.
Music Downloads coming to 360?

Music Downloads coming to 360?

Xbox Evolved has stated that a source close to Microsoft has explained to them that a Music Download service will be coming to Xbox 360.
C&C3 coming to PS3 and Wii?

C&C3 coming to PS3 and Wii?

EA's Mike Glosecki has given hope to PS3 and Wii owners that Command & Conquer 3 could be making an apperance on their console.
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