The Simpson’s is a worldwide phenomenon – from its animated shorts on the Tracy Ullman show to a full length feature movie – the cartoon has become a huge success. Without the Simpsons we may have never seen cartoons such as Family Guy and of course Matt Groenings latest creation. Futurama.
The all new Simpsons movie will hit cinemas late July this year. Along with the movie also comes the brand new Simpsons game coming to all three next-gen consoles a short time after the film hits cinemas.
The game is being developed by the guys who created the Medal of Honour and Need for Speed series. Also unbeknown to many gamers is that its been in production for the past two years. You will be able to control the entire Simpsons family in the game, even little Maggie. Although it seems that Maggie will only be playing a small role and the game itself will mainly focus on Homer, Marge, Lisa and Bart.
An interesting fact about the game is that it will support co-op multiplayer and you will find that a lot of levels can only be completed by using two family members together. Sadly it seems EA don’t plan to take the co-op mode online and it will only be available offline.
Graphically the game follows ‘Hit and Run’ and will be a 3D title. Going from 2D to 3D in the past has had disastrous effects, most notably with Futurama and even with previous Simpsons titles. Saying that, from the few early shots of the game we’ve seen, it does look extremely nice – the characters seem a lot smoother unlike the jagged characters we saw in previous instalments. The levels have also been pain stakingly re-modelled to match the Springfield you see in the TV shows. You will see the Nuclear Power plant on your travels, the Elementary School and not forgetting Homers second home – Moes.
The game also promises to have a ton of game modes including a mode dedicated to Homer and his big mouth, where basically he eats everything in his path (kind of like Homer in Space eating those crisps… but on a BIGGER scale). We will no doubt also see spin-off characters such as Evil Homer, Bart-Man, El Barto and Police Mom, not forgetting other characters from the series such as Moe, Krusty, Kent Brockman, Paddy and Selma, Grandpa, Mr Burns…you get the picture.
The games storyline has naturally been written by those who grace us with the Simpsons TV episodes. It also looks like the storyline starts off with our beloved Simpsons finding themselves forced into the wrong videogame.
For now that’s all we know. The game looks set to be something special so keep your eye out for a more in-depth preview within the next few months from us.
Originally Written By: Lee Matthews