Dedicated to Gaming Hardware & Accessories

Console Monster is an independent gaming website that is dedicated to hardware and accessories for gamers. Based in the United Kingdom and USA, our hardworking team of freelance volunteers provide our readers with regular console hardware articles and reviews.

If you’ve only just found us, and you like what you see, please do tell your friends about us!

Our Reviews

We try our best to obtain the latest Xbox and PlayStation hardware and software from makers, publishers and developers, but sometimes our calls for samples do not get answered. This means we may miss a few reviews now and then however, when possible, we may review our own purchased hardware and software.

Makers, Indies, Developers & Publishers: If you’d like to have us on your review list, please get in touch via our Contact Form below.

Our review process is simple. Our reviews are independent of previous titles in its series, or competing titles of the same genre. We clearly state which platform the hardware or software has been reviewed on. Our reviews are solo written and are individually scored by the reviewer.

Our Community

Our new fans and followers span across many corners of the globe.

Come and join our adventure by subscribing to our RSS feed, following us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook and have the latest Console news and information at your fingertips!

Join Us

We are always on the lookout of new writers to join our team. Inexperienced staff members usually start off as news and feature writers. In this role we ideally require you to post at least seven articles a week. At least one a day is desired, any more will show your dedication and it will accelerate your position and the areas of the site that you can contribute in, such as reviews and attending game events.

If you show dedication to the site, you will soon join our review and feature writers. This is where we will send code for you to review. You will also have the ability to attend game preview events and gaming expos in UK and/or overseas on behalf of Console Monster.

If you’d like to join the team, please get in touch with the following info:

  • Your Age
  • Your Location
  • Do you have any previous writing experience
  • If you do, please link to any written articles online
  • Which consoles do you own?
  • What’s your main gaming console?
  • List any specific areas of Console Monster you’d like contribute in

Once our team has reviewed your enquiry, we will get back in touch with you.

Get in touch