Superman Returns

Superman Returns
Superman Returns Review

Superman Returns Review

Another highly hyped film of course will always result in a possible game tie-in and something from the Superman franchise certainly isn’t going to miss this opportunity.
Demo: Superman Returns

Demo: Superman Returns

As rumoured earlier last week, Superman Returns swoops onto the Xbox Live Marketplace today.
Superman Returns demo coming soon?

Superman Returns demo coming soon?

There’s news down in Rumour Ville about an expected Superman Returns demo that will hit the marketplace within the next two weeks.
TGS: Superman Returns

TGS: Superman Returns

Superman Returns, flys in with 5 new screenshots released earlier today by Electronic Arts.
Media: Superman Returns

Media: Superman Returns

We have some more screenshots of the Caped Crusader doing battle against evil in the upcoming tights-em-up Superman Returns.
Media: Superman Returns

Media: Superman Returns

We've just receieved a ton of new screenshots for EA's DC Comic and upcoming movie tie in, Superman Returns, featuring Superman fighting what looks like one of the main villains from the story.The screenshots are available HERE.
UPDATE: 2 new Superman Shots + trailer coming

UPDATE: 2 new Superman Shots + trailer coming

We've managed to get two brand new screenshots of Superman: Returns the Video Game - featuring a seriously BIG villain.With the recent release of these sreenshots, we today also heard word that a trailer for the game is coming soon - Tuesday 28th Feb to be precise.
Media: Superman Returns

Media: Superman Returns

Superman returns for yet another round of impressing. We've managed to find a new screenshot of the flying superhero.We believe this is an in-game shot, but we're not totally sure. We've asked for confirmation from EA and we will update this post.Anyway, the screenshot can be seen here
Media: Superman Returns The Videogame

Media: Superman Returns The Videogame

Anyone who loves the original DC comics will know that Superman is coming back to the big screens later this year, and to coincide with that film, Electronic Arts are developing and producing the movie tie in - Superman Returns: The Videogame.The game is set to feature some stunning visuals, and by the looks of this screenshot, it's going to have some immense enemies.We've been told that because of the fact that Superman can travel so fast, a huge city had to be built to cater for that fact. The entire city will apparently be interactive, and will work pretty much the same way as the new(ish) Spiderman games on the PS2.We are also told that the game will feature storylines from the upcoming movie, as well as more than 60 years of DC Comic book history. Looks like this one is going to appeal alot to the hardcore comic geeks.The screenshot can be viewed HERE. More info when we get it!
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Superman Returns

Superman Returns
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