We've not done this in a while on CM, so as it has been a slow news day we thought we'd dig out the latest UK Top 30 Gaming Chart for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles.
If you missed any gaming news over the past seven days, today we give you another chance to catch up with our latest news and reviews from the past week.
Anthony brings our review for Killzone 3 I don’t know about you, but it feels like ages since I was last doing my part in the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance.
This Thursday, January 27th the American Central Plaza will be transformed into the last remaining ISA stronghold when Killzone 3 Invades PlayStation Home.
Today we have added the latest video for Sony's upcoming shooter - Killzone 3 - for the PS3.This Killzone 3 - Story Trailer can be viewed below with more videos and screenshots for the game in our media area, if you wish to check out the full range of content we have on the site Click Here.