ART SQOOL is a quick, quirky, and hilarious romp

ART SQOOL is a game from renowned 3D artist Julian Glander about an art school freshman, FROSHMIN, taking assignments from an artificial intelligence dubbed PROFESSOR QWERTZ.

The gameplay of ART SQOOL revolves around receiving assignments from your professor and drawing your best work to fulfill his request. The game may ask you to replicate sculptures, draw a landscape, or draw for as long as you can hold your breath! The main campaign requires you to draw 50 assignments to graduate, which takes only a few hours. Drawing is done with the right analog stick in docked mode, but playing in handheld allows you to use the touch screen. That’s where I did most of my play time and I highly recommend it for a game like this. However, if you can’t use handheld mode for whatever reason, the game is perfectly playable on control sticks. ART SQOOL has a very goofy sense of humor, so there’s no need to worry about your art being high quality. PROFESSOR QWERTZ grades your work on a seemingly random scale, so skill isn’t really a factor. ART SQOOL definitely pushes having fun over flexing your artistic muscle. 

While ART SQOOL is predominantly about drawing to fulfill your professor’s requests, there is an extra element to shake up the gameplay. While working on your art, the game allows you to switch to a Walk Mode where you control FROSHMIN as he explores the abstractly modeled school campus. On this campus, FROSHMIN can find different supplies, such as colors or brush types. This is how you unlock more and more options when it comes to drawing tools. 

Throughout different points in the game, ART SQOOL will treat the player to miniature music videos detailing FROSHMIN’s growth as an art student. The music used in these sequences is delightful and filled with boundless amounts of absurdist humor.

ART SQOOL ran consistently throughout all of my playtime, though I did once run into an issue during handheld gameplay that prevented me from drawing, and I eventually had to reset the game for it to function properly again. I haven’t been able to replicate it since, but be warned. 

ART SQOOL is a brief, yet charming game that’s a blast to play through. The sense of humor on display is incredible, and the presentation is like nothing else. I highly recommend it to those seeking a quick, cheap game to entertain themselves with.





  • Charming humor
  • Beautiful visual style
  • Simple yet amusing gameplay


  • Not much to do once the game is beaten
  • Lack of content on campus
  • Drawing in docked mode can be a bit finicky

Joshua Garrison

Joshua Garrison is a long-time fan of games, and grew up surrounded by them, be it handhelds or arcade machines. This instilled a lifelong love for the medium. His favorites include No More Heroes, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Devil May Cry 3. He has a passion for flashy, stylish games with deceptive depth. Outside of games, Joshua enjoys reading, be it novels, comics, plays, or classics.

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