World in Conflict Coming To The 360?

There have been a few rumours surfacing on various websites in regards to the PC RTS title World in Conflict coming to the Xbox and PS3.

BritXbox revealed the information saying that a source close to Sierra had in fact been in contact with a few of the games developers. The developers then supposedly went on to confirm that the game is confirmed for the next-generation Xbox 360 and PS3.

Here’s a small extract about the upcoming title:
World in Conflict presents a chillingly authentic Cold War scenario where the Berlin Wall never fell. Created by Cold War authority and best-selling author Larry Bond, the story begins in 1989 as the Soviets, fearing certain collapse, boldly advance into Europe. NATO responds in force only to be met on a second front — a full-fledged invasion of the American homeland. Players take on the role of field commander, leading the era’s most powerful military machines in the campaign to retake America’s cities and suburbs. The RTS gameplay features completely destructible 3D battlefields, aggressive team-based multiplayer action and a focus on fast, hard-hitting battles.

If this turns out to be a true it will be yet another RTS title coming to the 360. In the past consoles very rarely featured any RTS titles at all, but with the dawn of the next-generation it seems Publishers are trying their utmost to release Strategy based games on the various consoles.

None of the above has yet to be confirmed so take what you read with a pinch of salt, but it’s exciting news all the same.

Originally Written By: Lee Matthews


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