Virtua Fighter 5 on 360 Goes Online

SEGA has announced that the upcoming Xbox 360 version of SEGA’s acclaimed Virtua Fighter 5, will feature an online versus mode afterall; a feature not present in the PS3 launch release. Improved anti-aliasing, AI and an official arcade stick have also been confirmed for the 360 version.

This news may or may not come as a surprise to those anticipating the Xbox 360 conversion. To the uninitiated it might seem an obvious inclusion, but the developers themselves have in the past stated that online competition was not possible due to the complex precision timing required by the game, which could be compromised by even reasonable connection latency between combatants.

Some purists will no doubt be in uproar about this, accusing Sega of selling out etcetera. Don’t worry, just because it’s there, doesn’t mean you have to use it! Even if it’s a slightly dodgy experience, it might be a laugh for us novices flailing about. Not everyone has VF-playing friends prepared to bring their own stick round, this is surely a good thing.

Virtua Fighter 5 for Xbox 360 is due for release in August.

Originally Written By: Edward


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