After a month break we are back with Episode 6 of the Console Monster Podcast, no debate this time round but we have an interview with Toby Allen, Assistant Producer from Sumo Digital who are behind the Xbox 360 port of Virtua Tennis 3.
Also featured is an interview with Max Freiert from Compete Blog [38:14], who discusses his two posts on ’Xbox 360, Halo 3, and Gears of War: Violence breeds killer apps?’ and ’Xbox360 vs. Wii vs. PS3: Demand doesn’t lie’.
The Virtua Tennis 3 interview includes the following topics:
- Who are Sumo Digital?
- Toby’s experience in gaming
- Still enjoy the games you develop after release?
- Developing for next generation systems
- Difference in quality of development tools
- Multi-platform gaming development
- Creating games on lower spec systems
- Played previous Virtua Tennis games?
- What has changed in this latest incarnation?
- What is all the fuss about 1080p?
- Why does the Xbox 360 version have online multiplayer, but the PlayStation 3 does not?
- What is the process involved when porting a game?
- Any major/minor differences between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions?
- What is involved with the single player experience?
- Achievements spread
- Favourite mini game?
- Online spectator mode (VT:TV)
- What Xbox Live features are included?
- Any downloadable content in the future?
- Possible patch update to fix a few minor issues?
- Any game ideas that didn’t make the final version?
- Any tips?
- The under-arm serve technique
- Will there ever be a Nintendo Wii version of Virtua Tennis 3?
Running time: 55mins
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