More Battlefield 3 Details Revealed

With E3 slowly shutting down and the gaming world returning to some form of normality we’re still getting little E3 snippets in this case regarding the upcoming title Battlefield 3.

OffDutyGamers were able to confirm the following details about DICE’s upcoming military shooter.

  • Squad Leader confirmed, 4 Person Squad
  • Ability to spot a Enemy Squad Leader
  • Equippable Grenades
  • Falling debris from destruction 3.0 can kill players!
  • Equippable knife as well as quick knife (like BC2)
  • Support class able to mount bipods and give ammo
  • Rifleman class has medpack + defibrillator
  • Ability to change fire modes in multiplayer (semi/burst/auto)
  • Regenerative health in MP, but suppression effect stops regen (only regen when you aren’t under fire)
  • Suppression effects from LMG, blur vision
  • Flashlights can blind the enemy
  • First Person Animations in Multiplayer
  • Faction Specific Weapons + Unlocks
  • Vehicles can be immobilized before being destroyed
  • Able to opt out of Revives in Multiplayer
  • 3D spotting

With each new screenshot, video and press release Battlefield 3 becomes all the more appealing. Look out for the latest BF3 news here at Console Monster.


Lee Matthews

Lee is an avid gamer, photographer, film buff and sports fan. A scaly brat since birth it only seemed right for him to join Her Majesties Armed Forces of which he has been a proud member ever since. Despite a long absence from gaming, during which he spent many a night reminiscing about the glory days on Halo 2, Matty is now back online smashing his way through Black Ops and soon enough Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3.

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