Modern Warfare 2 breaks entertainment record

Modern Warfare 2 has re-wrote the history books in just one week on sale.

It has become the biggest game of 2009 by a mile, selling 1.7m copies in one week and grossing £67.4m in five days.

That is more than double than all other software sold for other formats during the week.

The 360 version was the most popular with 1 million copies shifted. That eclipses the previous record set by GTA IV’s opening week record of 927,000 units.

Those figures are based on sales from the UK alone, but figures from across the world mean it is one of the biggest entertainment launches in history.

And it just keeps on selling…so which game in the future will break this record? Tell us below.


Rob Rymond

Currently residing between Solihull and Stoke, Rob is training to be a professional journalist at Staffordshire University. He has a wealth of experience under his belt and has been writing for 7 years despite only being 19. He thrives on news and reporting it but also dabbles with reviews as well from time to time. Outside of video games he is also a radio broadcaster (or DJ to me and you) and spends time with his girlfriend.

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