Jack Thompson Calls On Bill Gates To Ban GTA IV

Florida based lawyer/Video Game hater, and all round jackass, Jack Thompson has called on Microsoft chairman Bill Gates to block sales of Grand Theft Auto IV in an email sent out to a number of “news outlets” (no, we weren’t one of them, but we wouldn’t particularly want Thompson’s anti-gaming bull in our inboxes anyway)

In the email, titled “Bill Gates in the Crosshairs”, Thompson said that he would “undertake various means to prohibit” the sales of GTA: IV and asked Gates to “have your lawyers contact me in order that such sales will be prevented.”

Thompson said a report by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, whoever they are, “makes it abundantly clear that unless such prohibitions are in place, then millions of units of the new Grand Theft Auto game will be sold directly to minors. I am quite intent upon making sure that that does not happen. I and others will endeavor to stop Microsoft from participating in any fashion, directly or indirectly, in such sales to minors.”

Originally Written By: Scott Webber


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