GRAW Achievements Hit 1000

Just a quick note to let everyone know that you now get the full 1000 achievement points on GRAW.

The new achievements are;

Victor (Multiplayer) – 10G
Win a public player match in all original game types with at least 5 different gamertags in the room

Team Player (Multiplayer) – 15G
Win 30 co-op matches with at least 6 gamertags in the room

Explorer (Multiplayer) – 20G
Win 5 Team or Solo matches on each original MP map with at least 5 different gamertags in the room

Crack Shot (Multiplayer) – 15G
Kill 10 players with gunshots and at least 5 gamertags in the room without reloading or dying

Assassin (Multiplayer) – 15G
Find and kill an opponent who has the Assassin Achievement

Why not check out the full GRAW achievements list HERE.

Originally Written By: Lee Matthews


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