Gamer Dies Playing League of Legends

23 Year Old Cheng Rong-yu was found dead in a Taiwanese internet cafe whilst playing League of Legends.

He began playing the game along with 30 other people on Tuesday, his heart then went into cardiac arrest and he died at his terminal. It wasn’t until nine hours had past when someone realised that he had in fact died.

It is amazing to think that gamers were so lost in their games that they let a fellow player lay lifeless for nine hours.

Chens parents did confirm that the 23 year old had a history of heart issues which were being treated at the time.

This is by no means the first time we’ve seen someone die at their computer screen and it yet again highlights the need for gamers to take a break from their MMO. Moderation is the key people.


Lee Matthews

Lee is an avid gamer, photographer, film buff and sports fan. A scaly brat since birth it only seemed right for him to join Her Majesties Armed Forces of which he has been a proud member ever since. Despite a long absence from gaming, during which he spent many a night reminiscing about the glory days on Halo 2, Matty is now back online smashing his way through Black Ops and soon enough Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3.

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