Infinity Wards and Activision today announced that a single-player update for their World War II title, Call of Duty 2, is now available.
The update is automatic, so when you sign into Xbox Live with Call of Duty 2, you will be promted to download the update.
For now, the update is for single-player, but a multi-player one is on the way.
Quoted straight from IW and Activision:
“Infinity Ward and Activision have issued a Title Update that addresses the player progression loss issues associated with Call of Duty 2 on the Xbox 360. The team is continuing to work on additional updates and we will keep you posted.”
We’ll keep you posted on more updates as we get them.
UPDATE: Infinity Ward posted the following message on the forums: “Hello everyone! Now that our first Title Update for Call of Duty 2 has been certified for release, we want to let you know what to expect. The update that was released today addresses a save game corruption issue that affected player progression for some people within the single player saved campaigns. In addition, we are pleased to announce that we are testing a number of multiplayer enhancements to the community, including addressing the lag issues. We are working really hard on these updates. Development is a timely process and we appreciate your patience. Infinity Ward is excited about your enthusiasm and support for Call of Duty 2 and we look forward to speaking with you soon”