David Bevan

David Bevan
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Review

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Review

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is a direct follow up to the 2010 game that saw the fan favourite franchise launched into the next generation of gaming.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Review

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 Review

As we approach the end of this year's gaming calendar, there are a couple of certainties that we as gamers can count on.
The Wolf Among Us Review

The Wolf Among Us Review

Comic book games are becoming a dime a dozen as the comic book and superhero inspired fandom filters into pop culture. For fans of both comics and computer games we are very lucky then with the efforts of Telltale games.
Payday 2 Review

Payday 2 Review

As a student there were times in those winter months, where you were on your last tin of baked beans, with the last five pound note put aside for some cheap £1 pints.
Top 5 games of Eurogamer Expo 2013

Top 5 games of Eurogamer Expo 2013

Another year and another Eurogamer Expo This year saw a huge amount of gaming goodness on show, not only in the form of new hardware with both Xbox One and Playstaion 4 consoles available for fans to play, but also up and coming triple A titles such as BEYOND Two Souls and TitanFall, as well as new installments of fan franchises such as Call of Duty, Killzone, Battlefiled and Need for Speed.
Countdown to GTA V: Collectibles

Countdown to GTA V: Collectibles

We go on the lookout for collectibles in the GTA series and what to expect in GTA V As we get closer towards the release date of what is likely the most anticipated game of 2013 we have covered off so much that will keep players entertained, that you could be forgiven for thinking there was nothing left to shout about.
Countdown to GTA V: Side Missions

Countdown to GTA V: Side Missions

We explore the side missions of past GTA titles and share what we think is to come in GTA V As we continue to look forward to what the huge world of GTA V will offer, many people are starting to think not only of the main campaign missions but of what side missions we will be tasked with.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

There are a lot of highly anticipated games due for release this year, and it would be hard to be forgiven if you didn't include Sam Fishers return in this list.
Flashback Review

Flashback Review

Flashback is a remake of the 1992 game of the same name.
Deadpool Review

Deadpool Review

Comic books and superheroes are continuing to invade the media, in television, film and computer games.
Monster Gaming Week (9 June 2013)

Monster Gaming Week (9 June 2013)

If you missed any gaming news over the past seven days, today we give you another chance to catch up with our latest news and reviews from the past week.
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David Bevan

David Bevan
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