FIFA 13 - Gamescom Trailer

FIFA 13 – Gamescom Trailer

Cover man, Messi shows off his skills in FIFA 13 along with a bunch of other players of the finest game on Earth, in this latest trailer for FIFA 13, fresh from Gamescom in Germany.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - Gamescom Demo

Need for Speed: Most Wanted – Gamescom Demo

Check out this latest onstage demo ofNeed for Speed: Most Wanted, fresh from Gamescom. Any fan of the Need for Speed series should be pumped to see what Most Wanted has in store for the petrol head among us.
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel - Gamescom Trailer

Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel – Gamescom Trailer

Recorded live from Gamescom, watch this onstage co-op gameplay of the next Army of Two The Devil's Cartel. Using the Frostbite 2.0 engine, there is certainly lots of things to break up as well as shoot in the face.
Star Wars 1313 - Gamescom Trailer

Star Wars 1313 – Gamescom Trailer

If you saw the footage shown during this year's E3 expo, you'll probably not see anything new in this Gamescom trailer, but after a short break there is no harm in refreshing your memory of the jaw dropping visuals that are in this latest trailer forStar Wars 1313.
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