Shockingly not announced during the E3 conference, Microsoft have also revealed that movies will not be the only entertainment getting the 'on-demand' treatment.
Having announced that the Xbox 360 would be receiving Facebook access, the rather lovely Felicia Day also revealed that my favourite social-networking and micro-blogging site, Twitter, would be integrated into Xbox 360 in autumn of this year.
Left4Dead 2 has been announced today at E3, with a release date of November 17th - which I can only assume means November 17th 2050 as Left4Dead 1 took an extremely long time to find its place on store shelves.
With the 360 having cornered the mainstream console market and continuing to push its lead over the PS3, it looks as if Microsoft have Nintendo's Wii in their crosshairs, placing further focus on casual, kinetically responsive projects.