Microsoft Declares Victory In US

Microsoft Declares Victory In US

Microsoft boastfully declares its dominance of the North American console market and announces ambition to increase its lead in the European sector.
Velvet Assassin

Velvet Assassin

We have just added the Achievements for Velvet Assassin on the Xbox 360.
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic

Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic

We have just added the Trophies for recently released PlayStation Network title - Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, available on the PlayStation 3.
Killzone 2 DLC dated!

Killzone 2 DLC dated!

The fist batch of dlc has been given a confirmed release date of April 30th.
Wednesday 15th April 2009

Wednesday 15th April 2009

With it being Wednesday, you’d expect an Xbox Live Marketplace update full of brand new content.
Halo's in the Wars

Halo’s in the Wars, patch incoming

It’s time for Halo Wars to call for backup as it has been revealed on the official Halo Wars website, that a title update for the game is to be released soon.
Saints Row 2 (New)

Saints Row 2 (New)

We have just added the new Achievements for Saints Row 2 on the Xbox 360.
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