Professional Bull Riders Announced

Professional Bull Riders Announced

Developers - Crave Entertainment have announced that their bringing Bull Riding to main stream gaming (stop laughing) entitled - Professional Bull Riders [PBR] which takes place every year in Mexico, United States, Australia, and more.
Content: Lost Planet

Content: Lost Planet

Capcom sure know how to please fans and keep their games fresh and up to date, thats why their releasing their third map pack 'Lost Planet Map Pack 3' tomorrow (June 21st).
Warriors Orochi Announced

Warriors Orochi Announced

KOEI have announced that Dynasty Warriors and spin off Samurai Warriors will clash this September in - Warriors Orochi.
Content: Alien Hominid HD

Content: Alien Hominid HD

The Behemoth release some brand new content for their hand-drawn masterpiece - Alien Hominid HD which can now be downloaded via Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace.
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