Forza 2

Forza 2, Too Human, Crackdown and Shadowrun Delayed

Peter Moore, one of the public figures of Microsoft’s Xbox division, has admitted to MTV that Forza Motorsport 2, Too Human, Crackdown and Shadowrun have all been delayed and will not launch until June 2007.
Half Life 2 Slips to Summer 07

Half Life 2 Slips to Summer 07

Valve have today announced that Half Life 2 will miss it’s Q1 2007 release target and the developer are "now targeting summer 2007".
Worms Confirmed for the Live Arcade

Worms Confirmed for the Live Arcade

Team17 recently confirmed, by way of a post in their official forums, that Worms would indeed be coming to the Xbox Live Arcade and pretty soon, presumably.
Need for Speed: Carbon Review

Need for Speed: Carbon Review

Need for Speed, as soon as those three words are uttered you think of bright blue neon’s, zero-cool vinyls and Nitrous Oxide System… aka.NOS.
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