Trailer Watch! - Street Fight IV

Trailer Watch! – Street Fight IV

The fighting genre is almost splitting at the seams with Tekken 6, Street Fight IV and the fantastic Soul Calibur IV recently released.
Resident Evil 5 control scheme

Resident Evil 5 control scheme

The control system for Resident Evil 5 is unleashed, and it is not a slow brainless zombie any more, as strafe and more traditional third person shooting control mechanics have been put in place.
Trailer Watch! - Tekken 6

Trailer Watch! – Tekken 6

With Tekken 6 having been recently announced for PS3 and Xbox 360, we think it is a good time to show off the official TGS trailer.
Trailer Watch! - Fallout 3

Trailer Watch! – Fallout 3

With Fallout 3 coming out shortly (or in some cases already out), we thought it was a good time to show you the fantastic new trailer straight out of TGS!
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