Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3
Rockstar Triple XP Weekend

Rockstar Triple XP Weekend

It's with a little bit of late notice that we wanted to let you know about the 3x XP weekend that Rockstar are currently running for both Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3.
Are You 'Gangsta' Enough For Max Payne 3

Are You ‘Gangsta’ Enough For Max Payne 3

Rockstar is giving gamers the chance to have their faces plastered into the multiplayer modes of their latest title Maxy Payne 3.In the next few months the game will recieve a DLC pack featuring a brand new 'gang' one of those gang members could be you quite simply put.If you want to be immortalised on Max Payne 3 you need only to play on the games multiplayer mode, "beginning tomorrow, and for all of July, we'll be hosting a series of Social Club Multiplayer Event playlists across all platforms and in both Soft Lock and Free Aim game modes," explains Rockstar.
Max Payne 3 Review

Max Payne 3 Review

It’s been quite some time since we last saw Max Payne, and things seemed to have taken a turn for the worst.
Max Payne 3 Review

Max Payne 3 Review

Tim brings our review for Max Payne 3 It’s been quite some time since we last saw Max Payne, and things seemed to have taken a turn for the worst.
Max Payne 3 Q&A

Max Payne 3 Q&A

Today we have an exclusive to XCN (Xbox Community Network) Q&A session with Jeronimo Barrera, VP of development for Max Payne 3.
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Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3