Journey – Announce Trailer We have added the latest video for Journey titled "Announce Trailer". August 13, 2014·
More PlayStation Store Sales Appear Have a cheap Journey with more offers available in Sony's summer sale. August 6, 2013·
US PlayStation Store Update 30 July Cloudberry Kingdom releases, Journey Bundle and Max Payne 3 goes cheap in this week's US PS Store update July 31, 2013·
Journey and The Unfinished Swan Bundle on Sale Two of the finest PSN titles are on sale, so no excuses not to own them both now July 31, 2013·
Journey Review As the world of gaming has grown over the last 10 years, it seems to be harder and harder to find something new. September 20, 2012·
Journey Review Giles brings our review for Journey As the world of gaming has grown over the last 10 years, it seems to be harder and harder to find something new. September 20, 2012·
Journey – Launch Trailer Today we have added the latest video for the PS3 exclusive title -Journey. March 10, 2012·