Want to be a ‘Superstar’?

It’s a quiet day on the Lips download content front with just two tracks being made available online today.

The first is a classic from Depache Mode called People are People, though it is not one of their best songs, its a fairly unique one to download all the same.

The other comes from pop-sensation Jamelia and her 2004 song Superstar. Both are 160 MS Points each which is aroiund £1.30 in old money.

Next week sees a few more karaoke classics though with the Cardigans and Erase/Rewind, the new Pussycat Dolls song called When I Grow Up (I Want To Have Boobies (they already do mind!)) and the Righteous Brothers with You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling, a 1964 classic.


Rob Rymond

Currently residing between Solihull and Stoke, Rob is training to be a professional journalist at Staffordshire University. He has a wealth of experience under his belt and has been writing for 7 years despite only being 19. He thrives on news and reporting it but also dabbles with reviews as well from time to time. Outside of video games he is also a radio broadcaster (or DJ to me and you) and spends time with his girlfriend.

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