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Vivendi Trying To Palm of it’s Stake In Activision Blizzard

Vivendi look set to put it’s 61 percent stake in Activision Blizzard up for sale.

A Bloomberg report put’s the companies stake value at an impressive $8.1 billion, although if no auitor is found Vivendi will sell a partial stake on the open market.

Activision is one of the biggest publishers in the gaming industry, worth an estimated $13 billion, sadly Vivendi have found themselves in trouble of late, no doubt the reason behind the sudden sale.


Lee Matthews

Lee is an avid gamer, photographer, film buff and sports fan. A scaly brat since birth it only seemed right for him to join Her Majesties Armed Forces of which he has been a proud member ever since. Despite a long absence from gaming, during which he spent many a night reminiscing about the glory days on Halo 2, Matty is now back online smashing his way through Black Ops and soon enough Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3.

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