Two Bioshock 2 multiplayer characters revealed

U.S. retailer, GameStop, is offering an exclusive pre-order bonus for Bioshock 2. Whilst this seems to be fairly irrelevant, the bonus itself proves to be rather interesting. Pre-ordering the title, which fairly recently suffered a release date setback, will bag purchasers two exclusive Bioshock 2 multiplayer characters.

The two characters have been revealed as Zigo, a fisherman, and Blanche, an actress, two characters which players are likely to come across within the game’s single player campaign. A post on 2k forums shows (incredibly small) images of the promotion, as well as the first images of the characters. Both characters appeared in the Bioshock 2 gamer picture pack, which released last month for 80 Microsoft Points.

Image via Kotaku

The news comes after the Bioshock 2 beach campaign finished earlier today, proving to be a slight disappointment. The items that washed up on the shores turned out to be glass bottles from Worley Winery, a location in Arcadia, Rapture. Each bottle contained a poster, relating to the just a few of the game’s plasmids.


David Wriglesworth

David Wriglesworth is a Northern lad with a passion for gaming, who graduated from the University of Lincoln with a BA (Hons) Journalism degree. If you can drag him away from the consoles, you can probably find him Tweeting or watching Coronation Street.

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