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The Last of Us Remastered Coming to PlayStation 4

It’s looking like the new current-generation of consoles is fast becoming the platform of rebooted ports and franchises, with a handful of indie games sandwiched in-between the big annual AAA releases from studios with cash to burn.

Yesterday saw the announcement of yet another last-gen reboot, The Last of Us, which will be branded with the Remastered label and will shuffle its way onto Sony’s new console around June/July.

So what’s coming in the remastered version that will urge you to give over the rumoured full retail price for a year old title, again? Sadly not much. It has been said, but not confirmed, to contain the following:

  • 1080p resolution
  • Higher resolution character models
  • Improved shadows and lighting
  • Several gameplay improvements (big fixing and balancing probably)
  • Abandoned and Reclaimed Territories multiplayer map packs
  • Left Behind single player campaign

So if you’ve already played and bought the DLC, there isn’t much else there to warrant a repurchase, unless you’re keen on its multiplayer and its the only reason why you’re hanging on to your PlayStation 3 console. However if you’ve yet to experience the wonderful game from the last-generation then you owe it to yourself to check out what will be an even more of a masterpiece on PlayStation 4.

Just don’t think you’ll be winning game of the year again guys, m’kay!


Anthony Barker

Anthony is the designer, developer and owner of Console Monster. In his spare time, Anthony is a keen gamer who enjoys playing mostly First-Person Shooters and Racing games. When he is not developing games or tweaking this site, Anthony likes to be on the slopes snowboarding or hurtling down off-road tracks on his mountain bike.

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