Texas Hold ‘Em Poker NOT free?

According to this Joystiq interview with Greg Canessa, the group manager for Xbox Live Arcade, Texas Hold ‘Em will actually cost you some Marketplace Points. “First of all, it won’t be free. We haven’t decided on what the final price will be, but it will not be free,” Canessa said in the interview.

This is strange news, as Texas Hold ‘Em had been announced as a free download due to sponsorships. John Porcaro at Gamerscore Blog posted this tidbit: “After talking to the product team to see what the story is, I’m told that specific details regarding the launch of Texas Hold ‘Em Poker have not yet been announced, and it’s too early to say anything yet. I’m told we should stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.”

Stay tuned at 360Monster for news on Texas Hold ‘Em and its price point as more news breaks.

Originally Written By: Art Green


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