Spearfishing coming to XBLA

People claim the Xbox Live Arcade is full of the same old genres in some kind of generic cycle, though a new title, expected to release in 2010, is certainly one-of-a-kind. Spearfishing, developed by Biart Studio, is the first underwater next-gen hunting simulator. (Thanks Wriggy)

Spearfishing will allow players to hook up over Xbox Live and for the first time go hunting underwater in Amateur or Professional tournaments. In such tournaments you’ll be able to earn:- Money where I assume you will be able to buy a bigger spear and win a ton of Silverware. You’llalso be able to hunt from the cold waters in the north to the night hunting aspects in the tropical seas. Where again I assume those Night Vision Goggles from MW2 will come in handy.

Here is a video showcasing Spearfishing in all its glory;

Let us know if you like Spearfishing by leaving your comments below.


Luke De'ath

Bristol based Luke is a keen gamer who enjoys a good FPS or Stealth title. His Favourite game is Metal Gear Solid. Luke also loves FIFA and is a season ticket holder for Bristol Rovers FC

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