Sky charging £5 more to use Sky Go on Xbox 360

Sky is changing streaming app Sky Go on console – and making it more expensive in the process.

In order to use the Sky Go app, currently available on Xbox 360 and due out on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 later this year, you’ll need a Sky Go Extra subscription. This costs £5 a month.

The change kicks in on 29th July, from when new customers will need a Sky Go Extra subscription. Sky told Eurogamer that in time existing customers will require Sky Go Extra to watch on their Xbox 360, although it said it will be making various introductory offers, one of which starts at £2.50 a month then goes up to £5, available.

Sky is currently writing to affected customers to update them.


David Wriglesworth

David Wriglesworth is a Northern lad with a passion for gaming, who graduated from the University of Lincoln with a BA (Hons) Journalism degree. If you can drag him away from the consoles, you can probably find him Tweeting or watching Coronation Street.

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