Saints Row Does Little To Boost THQ Revenue

Saints Row Publisher THQ have announced a staggering £35 million loss in it’s third quarter ending 31st December 2011.

uDraw is the prime target for poor sales and despite good performances from it’s core collection of games THQ are still looking to cull 240 jobs.

The uDraw tablets conversion to the 360 and PS3 has cost THQ $80 million and is the main cause behind this behemothic loss. As was expected THQ have no further plans for the uDraw.

On the bright side Saints Row became “the largest owned-IP launch in THQ’s history”.

THQ CEO Brian Farrell said that it “demonstrates the strengths of THQ’s core gaming capabilities”.

He did finish by saying “sales of the uDraw GameTablet and related software, and other titles in the kids, family and casual category were far weaker than anticipated, substantially reducing our financial results for the quarter.”


Lee Matthews

Lee is an avid gamer, photographer, film buff and sports fan. A scaly brat since birth it only seemed right for him to join Her Majesties Armed Forces of which he has been a proud member ever since. Despite a long absence from gaming, during which he spent many a night reminiscing about the glory days on Halo 2, Matty is now back online smashing his way through Black Ops and soon enough Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3.

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