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Rise of the Argonauts delayed due to retail space

Rise of the Argonauts may be out right now across Europe, but for us in the UK you may have noticed it missing from the shelves.

However Codemasters has stated that it has delayed the game in Britain because of retail-shelf space issues. The game is now due out on 6th February instead.

“It was quite literally a retail issue,” Codemasters said in a statement. “We tried to get the game into retail here in the UK in line with everybody else, but they simply could not offer us the shelf space that the game deserved at such a busy time within the retail sector.

“As a result, we decided to hold back the UK launch of the game until we could get the shelf space we believe the title deserves.”

The game will recieve much more exposure when it is released in February and we’ll bring you a review then.


Rob Rymond

Currently residing between Solihull and Stoke, Rob is training to be a professional journalist at Staffordshire University. He has a wealth of experience under his belt and has been writing for 7 years despite only being 19. He thrives on news and reporting it but also dabbles with reviews as well from time to time. Outside of video games he is also a radio broadcaster (or DJ to me and you) and spends time with his girlfriend.

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