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  • PlayStation on Xbox backwards compatibility: It’s good we’re doing different things

PlayStation on Xbox backwards compatibility: It’s good we’re doing different things

PlayStation Europe boss Jim Ryan says the backwards compatibility of Xbox One is a legitimate strategy in trying to upgrade 360 players.

But he says that Sony will not be following the same tactic, as the firm is investing in other software updates to PS4. He also adds that – based on their experience – few gamers actually make use of such functionality.

“It was quite a complicated announcement and I’m not sure I fully understand it yet. And I suspect there might be a few twists in that particular tale. But we will see,” he told MCV when discussing the Xbox One announcement.

“It is an entirely legitimate approach, and if you are seeking to upgrade 360 owners to Xbox One, it is a very logical approach to take.”



David Wriglesworth

David Wriglesworth is a Northern lad with a passion for gaming, who graduated from the University of Lincoln with a BA (Hons) Journalism degree. If you can drag him away from the consoles, you can probably find him Tweeting or watching Coronation Street.

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