Out This Week – Week Commencing Nov 21
Other new game release out this week:
Batman: The Telltale Series — Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham (Various)
Amnesia: Collection (PS4)
Alchemic Jousts (PS4)
Dragon Ball: Fusions (3DS)
Exile’s End (Wii U)
Gary the Gull (PSVR)
Holoball (PSVR)
I, Zombie (PS4)
Iron Sea Defenders (Vita)
Laser Disco Defenders (PS4)
Proton Pulse (PSVR)
Rugby Union Team Manager 2017 (PC)
Samurai Shodown 6 (PS4)
Slain: Back From Hell (Vita)
Starcraft 2: Nova Covert Ops – Mission Pack 3 (Mac, PC)
Stiens Gate 0 (PS4/PS Vtia)
Stranded: A Mars Adventure (Vita)
Theme Park Studio (VR) (PC)
The Little Acre (XB1/PS4/PC)
VirZoom Arcade (PSVR)
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