Today Bethesda has released the long awaited update for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This update will fix lots and lots of problems you may be experiencing. You can find out exactly what it fixes by going here. (The PC and Xbox 360 patches are basically the same)
So if you like the glitches which will duplicate your items etc then it would be best to make sure you are not connected to Live when you play the game. If however you are “hardcore” and can play the game without having to cheat then next time you put the game disc in, make sure you’re connected to Live and it will prompt you to download the update.
If you haven’t heard of the game Oblivion but would like to find out more you can check out the review. If you think it’s the right game for you, you can purchase it from the links on the right.
Originally Written By: Toby Bodman