Media: Sonic the Hedgehog

*sings* Soniiiic the heeeedgehooog…der der der der deeeeeeer derrrr. */sing*

Anyone remember that theme tune? I remember it like it was yesterday. As a matter of fact, it was yesterday whilst I was reminiscing the “old days” on my mega drive.

Well, Sega have decided to bring the franchise to the Xbox 360. Updated graphics, sexier environments, and the same ol’ Sonic seem to be on the menu.

Why not check out the new screenshots we’ve just uploaded HERE.


Russ Clow

Russ Clow not only nearly shares his name with one of the best Gladiators around, but he also has a bundle of experience under his belt. Since a very young age he's been playing video games, and has been working in the video game industry for most of his working career. Russ is a secret Sony Fanboy, although he tries hard to hide it so as to keep his position as Editor-in-Chief. When he's not playing games, Russ likes to play football with the "lads".

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