If you have a Wii and have had a jolly time of downloading every software title that’s hit the VC, you’ve run into a big problem long ago… There’s no room on for all the software being offered.
Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, addressed that issue and some others during the Q & A that followed the recent Financial Results Briefing last week. Here’s what he had to say:
“Statistically speaking, it is true that there are a small number of customers who feel that the flash memory is too small, while many others find that they have plenty of memory. However, because this small number of people are none other than the most avid players, we know we have to review the best possible solution to eliminate their inconvenience.”
It’s good to know that Iwata, and the rest of big N, have their hardcore fans in mind when thinking about the flaws in their system.
He also spoke about price-cuts during this fiscal year; Nintendo feels that it would be senseless to price-cut the Wii hardware so soon after the console’s initial release. Iwata cited that doing so would undermine the fans that already made the purchase.
Iwata was also questioned about the rumor that Microsoft plans to build and release a Wii-mote like controller for the 360. He responded with this:
“I am also aware of the rumor and have seen a fake image made by a fan on the web which looks like a Wii Remote…However there is no way for us to comment on such speculations. All I can say today is, it is not that easy to develop software which leverages the characteristics of Wii Remote. We are not concerned about what other companies may do but rather more concerned with presenting them with new ideas to our customers based on the prospect that our existing customers will surely get tired of the plays enabled by [the] Wii Remote if we do not try to improve the experience. In other words, what matters to us is whether or not we can continue to constantly create and offer new surprises one after another. If we can, then (other company’s attempt to launch Wii Remote-like controller) should not be a big threat. The efforts in this field to try to appeal to a wide variety of customers are something in which we saw potential early on and that we have been working on the longest, so there appears to be no reason whatsoever why we need to be concerned.”
There you have it! Nintendo is working towards coming up with a flash memory solution for the die-hards. There won’t be a price-cut this fiscal year. And Nintendo doesn’t care about any other company’s idea thievery.
Read the full, English transcript here.
Originally Written By: Joey