Hydro Thunder sequel heading to XBLA

Speedboat fans who’ve previous owned an older console system may remember a water based arcade racer called Hydro Thunder. Now a sequel is heading to the Xbox360 in the guise of Hydro Thunder Hurricane.

The XBLA game will include eight new themed environments, set in varied locations around the globe, and will feature a number of different game modes that incorporates slalom-style challenges, time trial and multi-event championships. The game will also slot-in some online and split-screen multiplayer action.

Matt Small, Creative Director at Vector Unit had this to say about the title: “We’re huge fans of the original Hydro Thunder. There’s so much there that already works — the exhilarating boost speeds, the crazy shortcuts, the gigantic jumps and drop-offs. We knew we wanted to keep all of that — even add more of it. At the same time, we had to bring something new to the table, something more than just recreating the original game with high-res graphics.”

The game has a rough release date of Summer 2010, so look out for this one making a splash closer to June or July.

Have you played the Dreamcast, N64, PlayStation or Arcade original? Are you looking forward to the sequel? Let us know in the comments.

(Source: Vector Unit)


Marty Greenwell

Marty has been gaming since the heady years of the ZX-81 and still owns most of the gaming systems purchased since those days, including the Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, SNES, Jaguar, Dreamcast and GameCube. Being a collection junkie (or more accurately, hoarder), he buys more games than he can possibly play, far too many of which are still sealed in their packaging. Marty favours RPGs and Driving games when it comes to genres, and is possibly a little bit too addicted to Disgaea. When not gaming he’s out frightening OAPs on his motorcycle, clad in black leather.

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