Heavy Weapon Joins The Arcade Next Week

OK, so it may not be the long awaited Worms HD, but at least it’s not another 20 year old Arcade title (26 years to be exact). Xbox 360 Fanboy have confirmed that next week’s Xbox Live Arcade title will be Heavy Weapon.

So get ready for some side scrolling tank shooting action next Wednesday on your own or with yuor buddies. Until then, why not wet your appetite by trying out the free browser based version of the game here (don’t worry, the Xbox 360 version is a lot longer). Currently no price has been confirmed for the game, although it’s likely to be in line with PopCap’s other XBLA games (800 Points). Either way, you won’t be paying the $20 that PC gamers have had to pay.

Originally Written By: Scott Webber


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