Halo Wars gets historic with four new maps

Details of Halo Warsthird update were revealed yesterday, and today sees the announcement of four new Halo Wars maps. The multiplayer Skirmish maps will come in a pack titled “Historic Battle,” which look set to release worldwide next Tuesday (21st July 2009).

Priced at 800 Microsoft Points, “Historic Battle” contains the following four maps:

Barrens (1v1 Map): Difficult terrain channels units into killing zones. The side that controls the Forerunner artefacts will have the advantage.

Blood River (1v1 Map): Secure base locations on nearby cliffs overlook this naturally red-tinged river. The soldiers that fought over its two narrow crossings gave the river its name, which has since taken on a greater meaning.

Glacial Ravine (3v3 Map): A snow-topped mountain range forms a natural barrier that cuts this region in half. Control of the two energy walls at the narrow central pass often determines the outcome of the battle, though clever use of the Sentinel Factories may play a role as well.

Memorial Basin (2v2 Map): The high ground in the middle offers good cover for infantry, while the generally open terrain transforms organized battle plans into bloodbaths.

The “Historic Battle” will also add four new Achievements to Halo Wars, taking the game’s total to 1300 GamerScore:

Tour Coming Through: Hot drop 50 squads to your Covenant Leader in a single game on Memorial Basin (30 points)
Never Leave a Man Behind: Finish a game with 5000 net resources contributed to your teammates on Barrens (15 points)
Drain Cleaner: Kill 20 enemy squads with a continuous Covenant Leader Power on Memorial Basin (30 points)
Killjoy: Disrupt 5 active Leader Powers in a single game on Blood River (25 points)

We’ll have the achievement images for the achievements later this week. In the mean time, why not leave us a comment telling us if you’ll be splashing out on the downloadable content?


David Wriglesworth

David Wriglesworth is a Northern lad with a passion for gaming, who graduated from the University of Lincoln with a BA (Hons) Journalism degree. If you can drag him away from the consoles, you can probably find him Tweeting or watching Coronation Street.

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