Get Psychonauts 360

Critically acclaimed Xbox game Psychonauts has yet to be added to the 360’s growing list of Backwards Compatible titles, even though an update has recently taken place, but now it seems people want that to change. Game developer ‘Double Fine Productions’ have called out for Microsoft to get it working on the 360, and fast.

The developer said: “I want you to get up. I want you to walk over to your window right now. I want you to open your window up, and then I want you to stick your head out, and then I want you to take in a nice breath of fresh air, and then I want you to close that window and walk back to your computer and click on this link and send Microsoft a heartfelt message. Something to the effect of, ‘I am a 9-year-old boy in the hospital, dying of consumption, and my last wish is to play Psychonauts on my Xbox 360!’ (Please, try to make up your own disease.)”

If you have not yet had the pleasure of sampling the delights of Psychonauts, then make sure you do, as it’s one of the best platform games in recent years, full of funny and quirky moments, and the quicker 360 owners can enjoy it the better!


Chris Brandrick

Chris is a 20 year old gamer who started out as an avid Nintendo player back in the early 90's but can now be found most nights on Xbox Live earning those Achievements! Chris is currently at University and runs his own personal site in his spare time. Look out for his Wii and 360 related news here on Console Monster.

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