360Monster goes and takes an in-depth look at the game everyone is waiting for. Why I’m of course talking about The Barbie: Returns…no wait I mean Gears of War.
‘Gears of War has been a long time coming, but damn it looks like its going to be worth the wait. With graphics to die for, huge maps and an awesome co-op online mode as well as some great versus modes on Live! this is truly going to be the game of Christmas. Maybe it will only fill the void until Halo 3’s release, but it’s the perfect game to fill it. The game is less than a month away and when it is released thousands are going to flood Xbox Live and rightly so. Did I mention you can chainsaw people in half or stick grenades to people and watch them explode? Keep your eyes on this one.‘
To read the full review, click the link below:
360Monster Gears of War In-Depth Preview
Originally Written By: Lee Matthews