FirstPlay to air on the PlayStation 3

UK readers will probably be familiar with Future Publishing, the company behind the glossy video game magazine Edge amongst others. Now Future has decided to add to its portfolio by producing a new interactive on-console videogame related show.

Launching exclusively on the PlayStation 3, the show called FirstPlay will debut its initial episode on Thursday 8th April on the European PlayStation Network. It’s great to see new videogame related programmes get an airing, but before you cheer too loudly, unfortunately it comes with an associated fee.

Individual episodes of the weekly show will cost 99 pence a go, though a 90-day subscription model is also being offered for the price of £8.99.

The first episode, shot and distributed in high-definition, will include views on Just Cause 2, God of War III and Fifa World Cup 2010, along with a round-up of the latest PlayStation Minis, films and digital comics.

Tim Clark, Editor-in-Chief of FirstPlay, said: “We’re tremendously excited to be finally launching FirstPlay, and to be bringing our brand of editorial direct to PS3 owners on their consoles. It will be an evolving service, but our focus will always be showing gamers the most exciting things on PlayStation systems.”

Is an interactive videogame show appealing to you? Will you be viewing it? Let us know in the comments.

( Source: Future Plc )


Marty Greenwell

Marty has been gaming since the heady years of the ZX-81 and still owns most of the gaming systems purchased since those days, including the Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, SNES, Jaguar, Dreamcast and GameCube. Being a collection junkie (or more accurately, hoarder), he buys more games than he can possibly play, far too many of which are still sealed in their packaging. Marty favours RPGs and Driving games when it comes to genres, and is possibly a little bit too addicted to Disgaea. When not gaming he’s out frightening OAPs on his motorcycle, clad in black leather.

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