Final Fantasy VII coming to EU PS Stores Today!

That’s right folks! After disappointment that the recently announced FF7 release on the PS Store only applied to the US store, us Europeans were left feeling more than a little hard done by. But now is the time to rejoice, as it has been announced that FF7 will be on the European PS Stores as of today!

John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. had this to say – “FINAL FANTASY VII is the most highly-respected entry in the history of the FINAL FANTASY franchise, possessing possibly the most memorable storyline in the history of videogames. It brings me great pleasure to see FINAL FANTASY VII available to play once again and I am sure that it will create a whole new generation of fans.”

I’m certainly incredibly excited about this announcement, how about you?



Thomas Hostler

Thomas was once a nice casual gamer, but within the last few years he has been slowly transforming into somewhat of a gaming fanatic, playing games in his spare time, and testing games all day at work! Whilst he enjoys just about any game, he loves getting his groove on with some online gaming, blasting away his fellow gamers with huge satisfaction. His gamer alias of Kirbish is an ode to Nintendo's pink puffball Kirby, although he has no idea why he likes him so much! Aside from gaming Thomas is a pretty big fan of WWE, and so if you come across him online, be prepared for him to lay the smack down!

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