FIFA World Cup 2006 Themes on XLM

For those that are keen on garnishing their Xbox theme with even more World Cup content, you will be pleased to hear that there has been more themes released on the Marketplace. These themes come in the form of a single background, so you could just make your very own and save those precious Microsoft Points. Either way, here is a rundown of what country themes are available (some viewers will be disappointed with their own country missing from this list).

Name Cost (Points)
African Zone Picture Pack 100
All Zones Picture Pack 500
Asian Zone Picture Pack 80
European Zone Picture Pack 260
North &Central American and Caribbean Zone Picture Pack 80
Oceania Zone Picture Pack 20
South American Zone Picture Pack 80
Germany (GER) Theme 150
Ghana (GHA) Theme 150
Iran (IRN) Theme 150
Italy (ITA) Theme 150
Sweden (SWE) Theme 150
Togo (TOG) Theme 150
Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) Theme 150
Tunisia (TUN) Theme 150
Ukraine (UKR) Theme 150
USA (USA) Theme 150
Angola (ANG) Theme 150
Argentina (ARG) Theme 150
Australia (AUS) Theme 150
Brazil (BRA) Theme 150
Cote d’Ivoire (CIV) Theme 150
Costa Rica (CRC) Theme 150
Croatia (CRO) Theme 150
Czech Republic (CZE) Theme 150
Ecuador (ECU) Theme 150
England (ENG) Theme 150
Japan (JPN) Theme 150
Korea Republic (KOR) Theme 150
Saudi Arabia (KSA) Theme 150
Mexico (MEX) Theme 150
Netherlands (NED) Theme 150
Paraguay (PAR) Theme 150
Poland (POL) Theme 150
Portugal (POR) Theme 150
Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) Theme 150
Switzerland (SUI) Theme 150
Spain (ESP) Theme 150
France (FRA) Theme 150

You can check out these themes over at


Anthony Barker

Anthony is the designer, developer and owner of Console Monster. In his spare time, Anthony is a keen gamer who enjoys playing mostly First-Person Shooters and Racing games. When he is not developing games or tweaking this site, Anthony likes to be on the slopes snowboarding or hurtling down off-road tracks on his mountain bike.

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