EA release’s BF2 patch

Today saw the release of the eagerly awaited patch for Battlefield 2:MC. Battlefield has been one of the more popular titles, especially on Xbox Live, but a few problems at times ruined a great multiplayer game.

The new patch will fix not only the overly excited commentator (you know, the one who screams ‘FLAGGGG CAPTURED’ and ‘AL JARED AH WA ZIRI’ or something along those lines), it will also fix the mic problem which has plagued Xbox Live. Finally they have made the vehicle shadows less pixelated which in my opinion is one of the best aspects of the new patch.

Our good friend MJMaskrey has also pointed out that the patch has now fixed the super barrels which could stop tanks, humvees and even soldiers.

The patch is available online now and it will truly make your BF2 experience online that little bit better.

Originally Written By: Lee Matthews


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