Chessmaster Live will be joining Rez HD on the XBOX Live Arcade this Wednesday (30th January 2008). Chessmaster Live features:
• The challenge of chess: Compete against advanced A.I. characters or challenge other Xbox LIVE members to a match.
• New message chess system: Start a game without any time limit, and play the game at your leisure over the course of days or even weeks.
• Chess puzzles and chess variations: Puzzle over a series of classic challenges such as “find the fork” or “mate in one,” and experience new ways of playing chess including Dark Chess, Losing Chess, Extinction Chess, and Progressive Chess.
• Customizable environments: Choose from six 3-D chess sets and three traditional sets, each with their own distinct sound effects, piece and board design.
• Interact with opponents: Video options allow you to see your challenger during the course of the game.
Both Rez HD and Chessmaster Live will be 800 Microsoft Points and available from 9a.m. GMT this Wednesday. Tell us what you’ll be buying (if any) by leaving a comment.