Bungie up to their old tricks?

This week seems to have been a week of speculation, confusion and conspiracies within the Halo world

As of Monday, a user known as Adjutant Reflex, signed up to the Bungie.net forums. Seems normal, right? Wrong! Instead of saying member, it is replaced with CompoundIntelligence. He then posted a thread, stickied it and then before the day was over, close it again. His first post read, “This will be a good place to begin. “To read through this thread click here.

The next day, he opens another thread, stickied it, counted down towards this morning and then closed the thread. 30 minutes after the countdown ended, Console Monster recieved an email from xbox.com. It was obviously linked to Halo 3 and the picture to the side of the email linked to halo3.com.

The email goes as follows:


The gears of the Universe spin further
and further apart.
Ever greater grows the gulf between souls,
And distance gives false hope of safety
But for the grim tidings this messenger bears:

The enemy is almost upon us

Closing in from all sides,
Moving faster than the light
it snuffs with its passage,
Time echoes with the news of destruction.
History winding back upon itself.

Waves of an army march this way in unison, Suffering and corruption are its battle cries.
For I have known this darkness
and felt its embrace once before-
Horror best laid to rest

Yet a Journey must commence

Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame.
They will lead you to war, and perhaps, to victory.

So what on earth, or even space, is going on?

Could this be Ilovebees Version 2 or just a hoax?

We shall have to wait and see. Comment below with your opinions


Chris Taylor

Chris is a Northern lad with a passion for video games. With his opinions on video games and his need to force these onto other people, Chris began writing for Console Monster in 2006. Chris is a bona fide nerd who enjoys any decent game that can keep his interest. Being a keen music fan, in his spare time (what little he has) he likes to go to gigs and spends most time with some music on.

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