Borderlands DLC retail pack incoming

For all you unlucky people that don’t have the interwebs to download DLC (or are simply too cheap to pay for a subscription) you will be pleased to know that Borderlands two DLC pacts, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned and Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot, will be bundled at a retail store near you shortly!

The bundle which can be seen at the source below is currently priced at $19.99 at American Amazon and is expected to ship on the 23rd Feburary 2010!



Reece Warrender

Reece is an obsessed gaming fanatic that finds enjoyment from any console. He began to enjoy games from a very young age but the addiction did not consume him till the days of Zelda – Link to the Past. Currently he is himself trying hard to break into the gaming industry, as a young programmer whilst also forcing his opinions onto the gaming population.

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